Epworth Foster Care

Epworth Community Services was appointed by the Ministry of Social & Family Development (MSF) in September 2015 to set up the first Fostering Agency in Singapore, Epworth Foster Care.

MSF hopes that by having Foster Agencies in the community, there will be better support for foster families and more foster parents can be recruited.

Our mission is to provide quality care and support to foster parents; and connecting them to a wider network of resources. While the reintegration of foster children with their natural families are being worked at, foster families will be equipped to ensure the well-being and holistic development of foster children in a safe, nurturing and caring family environment.

What do foster parents do?

Children are placed in foster care when they are no longer able to stay safely with their own natural families or next-of-kin. Children placed on MSF’s fostering scheme require a safe, stable and nurturing home environment to grow and reach their potential. Foster parents provide loving homes for these children and give them the care that will help them heal and grow.

By being a foster parent, you will be providing a loving and caring family environment for vulnerable children in need of care. Foster parents can make a very positive impact in the lives of these children.

Reasons Why Children Come Into Care

Children come into care for the following reasons:

  • Children are victims of physical, sexual or emotional abuse.
  • Children are victims of neglect or abandonment
  • Parents have passed away
  • Parents have been incarcerated
  • Parents suffer from physical or mental illness and are unable to care for their children
  • Parents are facing financial difficulties or experiencing crisis in their lives

Who can Foster?

  1. Be married and apply together as a couple
  2. ⁠Be at least 25 years old
  3. Be financially stable and medically fit to care for children
  4. Commit to provide a child-safe home environment. This includes refraining from the use of physical punishment such as caning or hitting. For foster parents caring for children below the age of 13, a child-safe environment includes having window grilles on all windows.

Please note that the criteria listed above only serves as a guide. All applications will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

*PCI = Per Capita Income = (Total household income) / (Total number of people in the household)

Get Involved

Become a foster parent

Contact Us

Volunteering Opportunities

You may not be ready to foster a child right now, but there is plenty you can do to make the journey for a new foster family smoother and more enriching. Here are a few ways you can open your H.E.A.R.T to foster children:

  • Help – you can help by becoming a volunteer with us. Become a trained befriender and bring foster children for outings, or play with and care for them while foster parents attend trainings.
  • Enrich – do you have skills that can enrich our foster children’s lives? Children are very often eager to learn new things, and teaching them a new skill might uncover a hidden talent or spark a new interest. You can also use your skills, such as photography or balloon sculpting, for our roadshows or fostering events.
  • Act on it – we welcome corporates to take action and collaborate with us through the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative. If your organisation would like to donate, sponsor our fostering events, or even plan fun-filled and memorable events for our foster children, please contact us for discussion. If you are an individual who wishes to contribute as well, please also contact us.
  • Reach Out – be a foster care advocate and help us to reach out and raise fostering awareness in the community. Invite us to speak at your workplace, or organisations and groups you are connected with. You can also organise sharing sessions at the comfort of your home and invite us to speak to your friends. If you are open to explore this, please contact us.
  • Talk – do you know of friends or relatives who would make fantastic foster parents? Help us to talk to them about the need for more foster families. Link us up with them, and we will help them to understand and explore fostering. Do contact us if you need copies of our brochures.

Contact Us
Tel: 9119 8711
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