Centre for Positive Recovery

The Centre for Positive Recovery (CPR) provides specialised therapeutic services to support children, youths and their caregivers in their mental well-being.  In particular, CPR specialises in helping those affected by trauma.  Using evidence-informed approaches, we provide counselling, family therapy, and behavioural support to those affected by trauma.

1. Trauma Treatment Care for Children and Youths

Treatment is tailored to the needs of the children, Youths (aged 6 to 18) and their families who are experiencing significant emotional and behavioural difficulties related to a traumatic life events.

2. Family Therapy and Individual Counselling

While family therapy intervention helps to stabilise and support families who have stressful dynamics in addition to their traumatic experiences, individual counselling for children and youths further shore up their ability to address trauma and trauma-related issues; hence, promoting mental wellness.

3. Parenting for Caregivers – Triple P

The Triple P (The Positive Parenting Programme) is an evidence-based parenting programme that prevents and treats behavioural and emotional problems.  It aims to create family environment that encourages children and youths to realise their potential despite experiencing challenges.

4. Trauma-Informed Intervention for Foster Families

Foster Parents are taught strategies to promote positive behaviour and to address attachment needs.  Concurrently foster children receive one-to-one tailored behavioural interventions, focusing on problem-solving skills and promoting prosocial behaviour.


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